Here is a little something I wrote reflecting on the church we have attended since moving to Denver (the pastor of which is the author of this book-"Sacrilege").
Beware of a movement.
It's more of a group actually, a band of people moving about as would-be Christ apprentices and God-fearers.
Be aware of their way.
They are not like so many of the ones who came before them. In exchange for judgement and condemnation, you may just receive compassion and grace from this bunch.
This tight-knit band of peace-makers can also be rabble-rousers in that they suggest a way that is considered radical, revolutionary, subversive and very much in opposition to the status quo. This is part of my warning, they will see to it that your life gets jacked up with this radical nature, but they will actually hang with you and they will share in it.
They believe in communion and community and mission to be sure, however theirs is a communion that welcomes anybody to the table; theirs is a community that is intentional, vulnerable and honest about the hurt, brokenness and despair that we all share; theirs is a mission not to convert or die, not to judge, but to be received and to receive others right exactly where they are in the questioning and the pain and the discomfort that comes with the first two-communion and community.
Beware of this group for they will trick you.
They will invite you over, with no precondition, with no reservation, with no requisite and with no test to follow.
They will listen to you and they will think of you often, in fact, they will bring your claims before their daddy, their Abba.
They will receive you and all your stuff with a grace and a love that has not oft been witnessed before in any kind of community that you have known.
They will ask your forgiveness for the transgressions of their forefathers and the ones that have proclaimed the way before them.
They will serve you.
They will wash your feet... literally.
You see their trick is to show you love and acceptance and truth and guidance when the world would not.
They may not expect anything in return, this is their folly and it is what may be baffling to you so be aware.
All of this so that one day and perhaps time and again, someone will clothe them and lead them where they will not want to go...
This should give some insight into what kind of place Adullam is and what kind of content this book is filled with; its a different kind of place, a different posture of doing "church"-widely and radically different, in fact, from probably most churches. Adullam encourages giving money away to whatever religious or secular causes outside the church that members feel led to give to instead of filling its own coffers for buildings, staff and stuff; Adullam encourages its members to sometimes not come on Sundays, i.e. instead we are to fill the streets and break bread with the hungry as an alternative sort of Sabbath; Adullam encourages all people to come to the communion table on any given Sunday who are ready to acknowledge the mercy and grace that has once and for all been poured over them. These are the types of subversive claims that Adullam is laying claim to and they are the same shared in the book that is meant for all manner of Church leaders and small study groups alike; it is perfect material for these settings as it poses serious challenges to our status quo assumptions on the whole concept of "church." For the believer and non-believer alike, this book will clear the air on sanctimonious, pious, pharisaical religiosity once and for all as it suggests becoming more like the God-man who once walked the earth and radically (sacrilegiously) challenged the religious system and elite of his time.
For more on this material and this way of life you can Check this Sacrilege Video
For study questions and group stuff you can check in HERE
Or check this blog for the actual source himself...